Merlin’s Rockin’ Pet Show

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one soul remain unawakened.”

Merlin’s Rockin’ Pet Show specializes in birthday parties, music events, Halloween parties, photo shoots, music videos, schools, graduation parties and more. At every event, we offer a chance to hold and pet every animal we have.

Meet the owner

Kelly Simkins, founder of Merlin’s Rockin’ Pet Show. I came up with the idea after owning animals for 10+years and my mother being a veterinarian technician. My parrotlet Merlin is the second smallest parrot breed in the world. I added his name to the business since he is too small to bring out in public. The “Rockin” part of the show includes musical entertainment which includes animals in the title of the songs. 

My Vision

I believe the world would be a better place if all humans understood how to be responsible pet owners. I like to participate in discussions, seminars, and demonstrations on how to take better care of them, how to understand and meet their different needs and how to keep animals safe. I am passionate about my pets and everything I do is to ensure my animals are cared for to the highest possible standards. I believe all pets are man's best friend. I also can envision a world where humans are no longer afraid of animals. I have seen first hand  people get over their fear by watching myself interact with my animals. I enjoy what I do very much and I hope you do to!

Press photos


Life is undeniably better with an animal by your side!”